Our guest today on Client Side Chats is Boretti, Inc.’s very first paying client, Fay Feeney, CSP, ARM! As a past board chair for the ASSP Foundation, Fay speaks of why there needs to be more representation of peoples’ safety, health & well-being in all corporate boardrooms. Recognizing that there is a link between safety and sustainable financial health, one of Fay’s goals is to shape and influence conversations around peoples’ well-being to lead to long-term success.
Final Thoughts: Planting Seeds || Client Side Chats Special Episode Part 6
In this sixth short and final installment of this series, the Business Case for Safety with ASSP’s Scott Fowler, Senior Content Specialist and host of The Case for Safety Podcast, and James talk about providing more than one reason (compliance) as the value of safety. Leadership needs to know more about the impact (positive) of safety to improve that proposition value. Listen in to learn how planting the seeds and consistent watering can grow your safety value.