It was a humbling experience chatting with Skipper Kendrick, CSP, CIT, and Owner of Kendrick Global Enterprises. In this #ClientSideChat, Skipper explains why Safety Professionals need to be able to change their mindset to handle different situations. He sees a new appreciation for what safety professionals do, and sees that safety will now be in the forefront instead of in the background. From the words of Skipper, “The door has been opened, it’s what do we do when we get to that threshold, and what are we going to do beyond.” Join us in this #ClientSideChat!
Final Thoughts: Planting Seeds || Client Side Chats Special Episode Part 6
In this sixth short and final installment of this series, the Business Case for Safety with ASSP’s Scott Fowler, Senior Content Specialist and host of The Case for Safety Podcast, and James talk about providing more than one reason (compliance) as the value of safety. Leadership needs to know more about the impact (positive) of safety to improve that proposition value. Listen in to learn how planting the seeds and consistent watering can grow your safety value.