“Be curious, not judgmental”

Jul 15, 2022 | Friday Quotes

“Be curious, not judgmental”

– Ted Lasso

In business, it is easy to scapegoat clients that aren’t pleased. However, being judgmental can result in missed opportunities that would help improve the process, leading to greater customer satisfaction and retention. The same is true for safety: I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “they don’t care (anyway)” and “they don’t know (and they don’t want to know)” as reasons for staying the course. While it is difficult to obtain input to further align your safety process to your customer base, doing so can have far greater positive results.

Recent Quotes

If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.

If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.

While businesses have processes and procedures to accomplish the tasks that assure results, its leadership in allowing a positive culture to thrive that drives success. Positive cultures are safe cultures not only set by a safe work environment, they are set by people feeling it’s safe to bring up the tough things, not just what’s going right. Actions that demonstrate respect, trust, and value for each person’s contribution creates and sustains a great culture both in good times and bad.

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